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Updated: May 28, 2023

The Lotus Sutra is a Buddhist scripture that is highly revered in Mahayana Buddhism. It is one of the most influential and widely studied sutras in East Asian Buddhism, and has been the subject of commentaries, studies, and translations for over a thousand years.

The Lotus Sutra contains teachings on a wide range of subjects, including compassion, wisdom, emptiness, and the nature of reality. One of its key themes is the idea that all beings have the potential to attain enlightenment, regardless of their social status, past deeds, or present circumstances.

The connection between the Lotus Sutra and Reiki is due to the teachings of a Japanese Buddhist monk named Mikao Usui. Usui is credited with the development of the Reiki system, and he is said to have been inspired by the Lotus Sutra in his spiritual practice.

According to some accounts, Usui had a spiritual awakening while meditating on a mountain, and he began to experience healing energies that he believed were connected to the teachings of the Lotus Sutra. He then developed a system of energy healing that he called "Reiki", which was based on the idea that there is a universal life force energy that can be channeled to promote healing and balance.

Some Reiki practitioners today continue to draw on the teachings of the Lotus Sutra in their practice, seeing it as a source of inspiration and guidance for their work. However, it's important to note that Reiki is not a Buddhist practice per se, and it can be practiced by people of any faith or belief system.

While the Lotus Sutra as a whole has influenced the development of Reiki, there are no specific sutras within the Lotus Sutra that are directly connected to Reiki. Rather, it is the overarching themes of the sutra that have had an impact on the spiritual and philosophical underpinnings of Reiki.

One of the key themes of the Lotus Sutra is the idea that all beings have the potential to attain enlightenment, and that enlightenment is not limited to a select few individuals. This idea is reflected in Reiki, which is based on the principle that everyone has the ability to access and channel healing energy.

Another important theme in the Lotus Sutra is the concept of "upaya" or skillful means, which refers to the various methods and practices that can be employed to help beings achieve enlightenment. In Reiki, practitioners use various techniques, such as hand positions and symbols, as skillful means to channel energy and promote healing.

The Lotus Sutra also emphasizes the importance of compassion, wisdom, and non-duality. These concepts are reflected in the principles of Reiki, which emphasize the importance of cultivating compassion, accessing higher levels of wisdom, and recognizing the interconnectedness of all things.

Overall, while there are no specific sutras within the Lotus Sutra that are directly connected to Reiki, the broader themes and teachings of the sutra have had a significant influence on the development of Reiki as a spiritual and healing practice.

माणसांनी भरलेले घर म्हणुया आपण. त्यात 2/3 माणसं जरी असली तरी लोकांच्या मते ते "भरलेले घर " असते. माहेर,सासर, आई, मामी,काकू,बहीण,आत्या, काका,नाना,आजोबा,नणंद,जाऊ,दिर,भाऊजी, भाच्चे मंडळी, मुलं - मुली, लांबचे,जवळचे,सगळे. हे सगळे एकत्र भेटतात ते काही कारणांसाठी. कधी सण समारंभ,कधी सोयर - सुतक,कधी अगदी च सहज म्हणून भेटणं, गप्पा गोष्टी होतात कधी फक्त आपण आणि आपली फॅमिली म्हणजे कुटुंब. कधी दोघांचे कधी च्या पेक्षा अधिक जणांचे. तर हे असे भरले घर असताना हक्काने लोकं सांगतात की कसे आपण एकमेकांसाठी महत्त्वाचे आहोत. प्रत्येकाचं त्या त्या व्यक्तीशी वेगळं नातं असतं आणि त्या नुसार रुसवे फुगवे आणि तक्रारी सुद्धा.

अशा एखाद्या हळव्या क्षणी कुणी तरी आपल्याला बोलते आणि आपल्या वर्मी घाव बसतो. पुरुषाला बऱ्याच प्रकारे निषेध नोंदवत येतो, बायका मात्र अश्यावेळी राग किंवा चिडचिड, अपमान,दुःख हे रडून व्यक्त करतात.

हीच आपली म्हणणारी माणसं "भरल्या घरात रडू नकोस" किंवा "कशाला आमच्या भरल्या घरात रडते आहेस" "भरल्या घरात रडायची दुर्बुद्धी कुठून झाली तुला?" अश्या प्रकारची वाक्य तोंडावर निर्बुद्ध पणें फेकून एका क्षणात आपल्याला "परके आणि पोरके" करून मोकळी होतात. अश्यावेळी जाणीव होते की अरेच्चा!आत्ता आपण कुणाच्या कुणीच नाही आहोत. आत्ता ह्या क्षणी आपण फक्त "ह्यांच्या भरल्या घरात - रडणारी एक व्यक्ती आहोत. माझ्या त्रासाची किंवा अपमानाची, वाईट वाटण्याची ह्यांना सहानुभूती तर सोडाच साधी जाणीव ही नाही.

आपले अश्रू, आपल्या भावना, आपली तक्रार ही ह्या सो कॉल्ड आपलं वाटणाऱ्या लोकांना कळली नाहीच. आपले अश्रू पुसून काय झाले आणि त्यावर काय केले जाऊ शकते , आपल्याला किमान बरे तरी वाटावे म्हणून काय बोलले जावे हे ही ह्या माणसांना कळून समजून येत नाही आणि कळलेच तरी त्यावेळी तसे वागायची इच्छा आणि बुद्धी होत नाही. आपल्या वाईट वाटल्याने कुणाला फरक पडणार नाहीय मात्र आपल्या रडण्याने जणू काही ह्यांच्या भिंतींचा मुलामा निघून जाणार आहे, एकदम घरातून पृथ्वीचा तळ आणि आक्षाचा भाळ च दिसायला लागणार आहे. अश्यावेळी अजून एक अपमानाची ठिणगी मनात पेट घेते आणि "माझ्या भरल्या घरात तुला/तुम्हाला रडवून दाखवीन मग कळेल कसे वाटते ते" अशा एका असुरी इच्छेला जन्म देते आणि आपल्यावर झालेल्या अन्यायाची भावना न कळत आपल्याला "जे बोलत होते त्यांच्या च रांगेत न कळत नेऊन बसवते. प्रत्येकाला परतफेड करायची असते त्या अन्यायाची,त्या वाक्याची आणि म्हणून प्रत्येकजण आपली वेळ येण्याची वाट पाहत राहतो.

आपणच आपल्यातले कर्ण जागे करतो.

जागा वेगळ्या असतात पण वृत्ती - प्रवृत्ती त्याच!

खरं तर एखाद्या क्षुल्लक गोष्टी साठी, उदाहरणादाखल सुद्धा हे नाव घेणं योग्य होणार नाही पण एखादी सर्वगुण संपन्न व्यक्ती जेंव्हा एका क्षणी असे काही बोलून जाते की विचार करायला भाग पाडते, कुठे तरी "योग्य"पदाची अयोग्य वागणूक मिळाल्या मुळे अपमानित होते आणि मग तो राग बाहेर पडतो ज्वालामुखी सारखा ; स्फोटक आणि आठवेल त्या प्रत्येक वेळी त्याचे चटके जाणवून देणारा.

दुः शासना........ ही तीच द्रौपदी आहे.....खेच तिला......

काळ धावत राहतो ...... दुःख ओकत राहतो.

ठणकत राहणारी वेदना .... थोपटत राहतो.


Updated: May 24, 2023

Lavender oil for Hair.

How using Lavender Oil for Hair helps in your hair growth and scalp health? Using Essential oils has become very popular home remedy. In this lavender has become very popular and effective.

This aromatic oil have many health benefits.

These include :

*Pain relief *Migraine pain relief *Air or room Freshner *Cleaning *Cloths perfume *Strong Hair Lavender oil improves hair health in many ways.

Lavender induce hair growth When applied to hair or scalp, this may cure common hair, scalp issues like #itchy #scalp and #dandruff and infections.

Using #TeaTree #Oil with #lavender oil could be more beneficial while treating the #lice in hair.

It may helps to reduce skin inflammation So as a natural #homeremedy for skin rash, inflammation and #burns. One can feel more relaxed, and enhance your #mood as you inhale its #aroma How to use lavender oil for hair Dilute and Massage the lavender oil into your scalp Keep the oil into your hair for 30/40 minutes or you can keep it overnight and then wash with warm to hot water. If you use Lavender Oil massaging once a week or 2/3 days a week this will induce hair growth and prevent thinning of hair.


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